Clean the stain ASAP.
“The most important thing is to get to the stain before it has a chance to set,” says Bahram Shabahang, co-founder of carpet design house Orley Shabahang. Don’t let stains sit around.
2. Blot instead of scrub.
Before cleaning, absorb whatever goo or gunk you can with a cloth or sponge.”The goal is to pull out as much liquid as possible, to reduce the size and spread of the stain,” Shabahang adds. After that, always use a dabbing motion instead of rigorously scrubbing.
3. Use as little product as possible.
This reduces both the drying time and the risk of staining your carpet. For most stains, it’s ideal to use club soda or dish soap as a cleaning product. (See the guide below.)
4. Dry it well.
Blot thoroughly with a towel after you clean, as carpet that remains damp could grow mold. You can also use a fan or hair dryer to gently speed the process, Shabahang says.
After learning the basics of carpet stain removal, we wanted to see if DIY carpet-cleaning methods actually worked. So we made some stains and let them sit for 24 hours or more (‘cuz let’s face it, we do NOT always address our stains right away).
Expert says: Scrape off with a knife, then layer paper towels on top of the stain. Turn your iron on lowest heat, and iron the paper towels to lift the grease. Apply a mix of white vinegar, soap and lukewarm water, then rinse.
Did it work? Totally. 10 out of 10.
More tips? Call Choice Care Carpet Care @ 912-354-3067. Savannah Ga.