No matter how careful we are with our pets, accidents can happen. The most common is urine, a real problem because it leaves residue of Uric salts which never dry, causing the odor to constantly return when these salts are exposed to any kind of moisture, or even high humidity. Choice Care Carpet professional enzymatic treatment is what you need to cure the resulting problem, as it is formulated with natural enzymes that will eat the Uric salts until they are all gone therefore eliminating the odor source. For many people today this is a big concern. Have you ever been to a friend or relative home & their home smells completely horrible. It's is like they can't even smell their pet's! We can help. Choice Care has been helping Savannah Ga. & surrounding areas for well over 20 years. We have the methods & equipment to clean & remove such stains & odors safely. We also do: upholstery cleaning, mattress cleaning, sanitizing & protection, area rug cleaning, carpet cleaning, & tile. So call Choice Care Carpet Cleaning @ 912-354-3067. Now you have no reason to put up with unwanted pet odors & stains. We will improve your air quality, appearance & helps with your allergies too.