Having The Right Knowledge Can Save You 1,000's of Dollars When You Need Your Carpets Cleaned!
Savannah, GA - All carpet cleaning companies are definitely not alike. Having the right knowledge can literally mean saving thousands of dollars by preserving the life of your carpet! The truth is, choosing the wrong carpet cleaning company can cost you thousands of dollars in carpet and padding replacement and installation. This is because improper cleaning can cause them to look dirty quicker and actually shorten the life of your carpeting and padding. Don't be fooled by bottom-dollar promises, "teaser rates" and tactics that carpet cleaning companies have used for years to get you to pick up the phone and call them. You need to be sure that you read the fine print so you don't get taken in by a promise that looks attractive on the surface...but is lacking in quality, service and money-back guarantees. How do you choose the best professional cleaner? How do you know that you're getting the best value? You need to work with a certified carpet cleaning professional - not just some salesperson who is only interested in getting in and out of your door as quickly as possible so they can go on to their next transaction. When you call for a FREE CARPET AUDIT, you will receive a written report about the condition and life span of your carpet, as well as a professional 'prescription' for keeping your carpet like new as long as possible. Best of all, there is no cost and obligation to use my company. Call Choice Care Carpet Care, of Savannah, GA for free carpet audit today at 912-354-3067, or visit www.choicecarecarpetcleaning.com