Clean carpeting can help to sell your home and regularly removing the dirt, dust and allergens that are trapped by your carpet can make life easier on members of your home with allergies and asthma. Following these tips will help you properly clean your carpet.
Set the vacuum to the right height.
Experts say there are plenty of ways a vacuum that isn’t set or working properly can take away from the effectiveness of your carpet cleaning. Many vacuum owners don’t bother to consult the directions that explain the optimum cleaning position for the unit. If the setting is too low, for example, your vacuum will sound like it’s working perfectly, but it won’t be picking up the amount of dirt it should. Experts recommend first putting the vacuum on its very highest setting. Then, with the vacuum on, slowly lower the unit until you feel the vacuum actually attempting to move forward on its own.
Use welcome mats.
While this isn’t a cleaning tip, using welcome mats both inside and outside your home will have a significant impact on the job of keeping your carpets clean. The mats will significantly reduce the amount of dirt and allergens tracked into the home from the outside. That not only makes it easier to clean your carpets but it’s good for your family’s health, as well.
Don’t ignore stains.
Life can be very busy, but ignoring a fresh stain on the carpet could be dooming that stain to set into the carpet fibers and be with you forever. Experts say the success rate of removing a fresh stain is much greater than one that is old. Use a combination of paper towels and newspaper to soak up as much of the stain as possible. Then, apply a cleaning solution of water and white vinegar equally mixed. Use a scrub brush to work out the entire stain.
Have your carpet professionally cleaned.
Every carpet manufacturer will recommend you bring a professional into your home for a deep cleaning about once every 12 to 18 months. If you have extremely high use, including kids and pets, move up that schedule to once every six months. Choicecare carpet cleaning machines are able to work heated water and cleaning chemicals deep into the carpeting, reaching areas that your vacuum cannot access. For more information or a cleaning appointment please call 912-368-7337. Hinesville Ga. 31313. Carpet Cleaning