Out of all homemade carpet cleaners, baking soda is your best choice to quickly clean vomit or urine stains from your carpet. Wipe up what you can, then pour baking soda over the affected area and pat with a paper towel. Let the homemade mixture dry completely before vacuuming up the residue. Baking soda will clean, sanitize, and deodorize the messy spot. Baking soda can also be used to lift grease stains when combined with equal parts salt. Sprinkle the mixture over the grease spot, and use a stiff brush to work the powdery concoction into the spot. Let sit for 4 or 5 hours and then vacuum up to completely remove the stain. You can clean your oven glass using baking soda as well!
Use baby wipes to blot up spills from your rug or carpet; they make great homemade carpet cleaners, absorbing both the liquid and the stain. Wipes can also be effectively deployed as a homemade stain remover when attacking various spills and drips on your clothing and upholstered furniture.
Chewing gum somehow end up stuck to the fibers of your carpet? Ice cubes could be the homemade carpet cleaners you need. Freeze the gum first with ice cubes in a plastic bag, then scrape with a butter knife and blot with trichloroethylene, a dry-cleaning fluid. Here are some more genius uses for ice cubes.