It's hard to be all things to all people, yet today's consumer demands a high degree of professionalism on any task, which sometimes makes some jobs not worth doing, given the liability. A general practitioner can't do everything his patient might need and often uses medical specialist. Likewise, a general contractor may need to call on a specialist with experience and equipment that's not cost-effective to personally maintain. At Choice Care Carpet Care, we're specialist in several areas like: expert odor removal- for smoke, mold/mildew, skunk, pet odors-- you name it. Emergency water extraction & structural drying-- quick response. Carpet, rug, upholstery cleaning. We love wool oriental rugs! And of course we do many other things you may be interested in. We offer these services with fast scheduling to meet tight deadlines. We've been serving Savannah & Pooler Ga areas for over 15 years and industry-trained & certified to guarantee great results. You may not need our services right now, but if you're ever up against a tough problem you can't solve or don't want to personally handle, save time & money and call a specialist for professional, guaranteed results. We @ Choice Care Carpet Care will be happy to talk with you or give you a quote on your desired services. We can be reached @ or @ 912-354-3067. Feel free to call us with any questions or with all your cleaning needs.