Proper Rug Care
Over time, rugs break down, becoming dry and brittle. The color fades and the rug begins to look dingy even after vacuuming. In a 2013 interview with "The New York Times," rug care expert Lisa Wagner claimed that the majority of rug decay occurs because owners do not properly care for their rugs. High-quality wool rugs will last for decades with regular care. Wagner recommends vacuuming the backside of the rug annually, to remove excess dirt. Clean the entire rug every two to three years. This removes embedded dirt but also helps keeps the rugs moist, preventing decay.
Spot Cleaning With Vinegar
According to the rug care experts at Aspen Carpet Designs, bleach and alkaline chemical cleaners can damage wool fibers. Vinegar is somewhat acidic and fairly gentle, making it ideal for cleaning wool fibers. Vinegar works best for cleaning up food and pet stains, as it helps prevent color run and neutralizes urine odor. Mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar in 2 cups lukewarm water, suggests Jacobsen Rugs. You can add 1/2 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent to the vinegar solution. Blot up the stain with a clean, lint-free rag before applying the vinegar solution. Soak the stain in vinegar solution. Scrub gently, avoiding aggravating the carpet’s pile. Blot dry with another clean cloth.
Cleaning the Whole Rug
Spot clean with vinegar and shampoo using a soapy water solution. Test to see if your rug needs cleaning by rubbing it with your hands. If your hands are dirty after 10 seconds, it’s time for a shampoo. Add mild liquid soap to cool water until it becomes sudsy, recommends the experts at Jacobsen Rugs. Using a long-haired brush, apply the soap solution in long strokes in the direction of the rug’s nap. Run the rug under running water to rinse out the soap solution. For large rugs, working with a partner makes the rinsing process easier, as wet rugs quickly become heavy. Use a rubber squeegee to force excess water from the rug, and lay it flat to dry. To have your Rugs Professionally cleaned please call Choice Care Carpet Care @ 912-354-3067. Savannah Ga. Upholstery Cleaning?